Re: Serving plain text

Posted by Colin O'Brien on

Hi Alex

apologies for just getting back to you on this.
I was traveling for the holiday and been in catch up ever since!

As I think I said in an earlier note, maybe a different thread, I put  
the change right at the start of config/epilogue.xpl.
I figured if we had finished processing for this response, why bother  
letting it go any further.
Hope I'm not missing anything.

I am doing a more specific test and a more specific mime type in the  
response, so wherever the test is, I will always need to add my own  
custom one.

I think it is good though to have a general test in the out of the box  
That will hopefully save others from my initial confusion.

I still think the documentation needs to be explicit in saying that the  
<document> element will be automagically removed.

I also think that document is an unfortunate name to use for this  
purpose, as it is so easy for a developer to use such an element in xml  
structures of their own.
Checking through my system, I found that I had!
Probably already in too many people's systems to change by now though.
In which case again, I would suggest more prominent warning in the  

Anyway, you've covered the basics, so thank you for that.
And also for Beta 4 - I think that was definitely the right thing to do.
And thanks also for keeping the focus on getting the XForms code  
complete and documented
- just imagine what we'll all think of to do after that ;-)

Well, thanks for it all.
Best regards

On Nov 21, 2005, at 9:23 PM, Alessandro Vernet wrote:

> On 11/17/05, Eric van der Vlist <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I'd even say that a modification that serialize non XML documents
>> according to the spec  
>> (
>> would probably a good thing for most users and you might be able to
>> convince Erik and Alex to make it standard :-) ...
> Eric,
> So that would be a modification to the config/epilogue-servlet.xpl.
> Just like PDF is handled in that file right now, we would look for a
> root element <document xsi:type="xs:string" content-type="text/plain;
> charset=utf-8"> and use the text-converter in that case.
> Colin, have you already modified this file for that purpose.
> For reference:
> func=detail&aid=304308&group_id=168&atid=350207
> Alex
> --

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