On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 12:12 AM, Senthilvel <senthil.xforms@gmail.com> wrote:
> We are using liferay 4.2.1 and Ops Xforms 3.6. The portlet application
> behaves as web application when we use <xforms:submission..../> element
Recently, we haven't been using the portlet functionality much here,
but I remember that at some point a bug was introduced which broke the
<xforms:submission replace="all"> and <xforms:load> in portlets. See
below the bug for the <xforms:load>.
http://forge.objectweb.org/tracker/?group_id=168&atid=350207&func=detail&aid=307940For now you can either make sure that your portlet are all in "one
page", i.e. that they only update by sending <xforms:submission
replace="instance"> to the server. You can maybe use an
<xforms:switch> instead of having different pages.
The alternative is for you to investigate in the Java code of Orbeon
Forms what goes wrong, and why the <xforms:submission replace="all">
and <xforms:load> take you out of the portal. The fix might be simple
(as this clearly used to work), but getting "into the code" might be a
somewhat more involved.
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