I have an XForm in Intalio Designer and I want to submit a portion of my xform instance to the xform manager (I assume this is where orbeon.war and everything related to Orbeon resides as far as Intalio is concerned.). I was looking in vain for information on how to submit to the Orbeon XForms Manager and this is what I found:
Upon inspecting the html source of my XForm, I find the following references to "submit" in xforms-server-submit:
<form id="xforms-form" class="xforms-form" action="/xFormsManager/xforms-server-submit" method="POST" onsubmit="return false" enctype="multipart/form-data"><input type="hidden" name="$static-state" value="pers:9595A9DE-188B-CDD8-9F1E-B98D6FB22F1F"><input type="hidden" name="$dynamic-state" value="pers:E8AAC32C-AB05-7935-B95D-8FF1468C16B2"><input type="hidden" name="$server-events"
I also tried the following inside the XForm with the idea of submitting one instance to the Orbeon XForms Processor.
<xforms:submission id="books-get" serialize="false" method="get" action="oxf:/Missouri/books.xml"
replace="instance" instance="books-instance" />
My intention is to be able to use the submitted XML to the server which I can use to transform into a document in another format (say a pdf).
My other intention is to be able to use this submitted XML and the returned instance from the server to update my instance in the XForm..
What would you recommend? Is there any sample that I can try out from Eclipse so that I can see the submitted XML somewhere in the Orbeon xforms manager and also the Updated Instance.
Any suggestions and pointers are appreciated.