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run xforms in xpl problem

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run xforms in xpl problem


Run XForms from XPL

The attached pipeline allows you to run XForms code from XPL.

  1. Drop it in ops/xforms in your resources directory (create that directory is needed).
  2. You'll find usage information in the comment towards the top of the file.

附件 (1)

  • xforms-models.xpl 7k - 创建时间 2009-1-6 上午1:59,创建人 Alessandro Vernet (版本 1)

   How can I use xforms-models.xpl ? Are there some example in anywhere ?




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Re: run xforms in xpl problem

Alessandro Vernet
On Feb 9, 2009, at 11:13 PM, hechengrong wrote:
>    How can I use xforms-models.xpl ? Are there some example in  
> anywhere ?

You can find an example at the top of the file you referenced. Let us  
know if something isn't clear, and we can also expend on the  
information available on the Wiki to clarify that if necessary.

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