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retrieving data from select control

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retrieving data from select control


I am trying to use the select control, but I want to convert the output sequence into a xml.

Now, when I select two elements, I get this output "1 2" (a sequence of the selected item).

But what I would like to do is get some nice xml structure like <id>1</id><id>2</id>

Any help would be really appreciated.


This is my code:

<xforms:instance id="meta" xmlns:x="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <bean xmlns="">
<xforms:instance id="names">
    <names xmlns="">
         <name xmlns="">
        <name xmlns="">
        <name xmlns="">

<xforms:select ref="instance('instance')/names" appearance="compact" navindex="6">
        <xforms:itemset nodeset="instance('names')/name">
                <xforms:label ref="value"/>
                <xforms:value ref="id"/>                                                                               