recaptcha in wizard mode

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recaptcha in wizard mode

Hi Alex - Continuation to the question here -

I have a multipage/multisection form and need the captcha on the top section/first page of the form and once verified, form runner must show the rest of the sections.

 Placing captcha under the first section <fr:section1> brings it to the top anyway.

<fr:recaptcha id="my-simple-captcha">
                        <xf:send event="fr-verify-done" submission="save-submission"/>
                        <xf:action event="fr-verify-error">
                            <xf:toggle case="failure-case"/>
                            <xf:dispatch target="my-simple-captcha" name="fr-reload"/>

Is it possible to use a visibility rule (fr-verify-done = 'true') on the other sections as they must be visible one when captcha is verified.


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Re: recaptcha in wizard mode

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Manish,

The thing is that the `<fr:recaptcha>` isn't designed to be used as a
control, and added to a form. (This is also why it isn't shown with other
controls in the toolbar.) You could imagine creating an XBL control, which
uses the `<fr:recaptcha>`, and stores as its value whether the captcha has
been solved. Its value would be `false` to start with, and change to `true`
when the captcha has been solved. With this you could decide to hide/show
sections of the form depending on that state.

But right now, for forms you create with Form Builder, you can only enable
the reCAPTCHA with:


Would just using that property work for you (even if the reCAPTCHA doesn't
show exactly the way you described)?


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Re: recaptcha in wizard mode

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Manish, have you tried setting the `*.*` to just
have Form Runner take care of showing the reCAPTCHA before users can submit
data, as suggested in my previous message? If so, is that something that
works for you?


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