in my form discharge summary, patient details are auto populated with below xpath expression
concat(instance('patient')/givenname,' ',instance('patient')/familyname,', DOB: ',instance('patient')/dob/day, '/', instance('patient')/dob/month, '/', instance('patient')/dob/year,', UR: ',instance('patient')/external_ids/id,', ',instance('patient')/addline1,' ',instance('patient')/addline2,', ',instance('patient')/city,', ',instance('patient')/postcode,', Home: ',instance('patient')/info1)
and in the xml I didn't see any thing other than
<xforms:instance id="patient"> <patient/> </xforms:instance>
I am not able to re-engineer to know how the details are fetched to form.
it would be very help to if some describe how to trace these instances and where are they defined?