I have a simple form with one xf:input field. If I enter no value in the field an generate the pdf I get following error in the log:
2016-02-23 08:13:21,250 ERROR XSLTTransformer - Error: Ambiguous rule match for /xh:html/xh:body[1]/xh:form[1]/div[3]/xh:div[6]/xh:div[1]/xh:span[1]/xh:div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/xh:div[1]/xh:table[1]/xh:tbody[1]/xh:tr[1]/xh:td[1]/xh:div[1]/xh:span[1]/xh:span[1]
Matches both "*:pre[p:has-class('xforms-textarea', ..)] | *:span[p:has-class('xforms-field') and p:has-class('xforms-input', ..)]" on line 105 of oxf:/apps/fr/print/print-pdf-notemplate.xpl
and "*:span[p:has-class('xforms-field') and empty(*) and normalize-space() = '']" on line 133 of oxf:/apps/fr/print/print-pdf-notemplate.xpl
The pdf output is ok!