When you do a send("oxf.fr.detail.send.success"), by default it is a replace = "all": the idea is that you want to do a POST to a service that returns HTML, and want Orbeon Forms to send that HTML back to the browser. But of course, if you do that, you can't do a navigate() in the same sequence, and this is what the message you're seeing is trying to say.
So you might have wanted to do a replace = "instance", which you can do by adding the property:
<property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.detail.send.success.replace.*.*" value="instance"/>
Alternatively, and this is what I prefer, you can put those arguments explicitly in the send() instead of relying on separate properties, and write:
send(uri = "
http://localhost:8080/icc-data-0.1/slPatientforms/submit", replace = "instance")
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