I upgraded Orbeon 2017.1 CE to 2018.1 CE. xforms:upload used in a vanilla xforms causes :
ERROR upload - Failed to obtain file scan provider:
Feature is not enabled in this version of the product: File scan API
org.orbeon.oxf.common.CEVersion |requirePEFeature |CEVersion.scala
The error happens when the xforms sends post submission to save the uploaded file:
<xforms:submission id="attachments01-submission" ref="instance('attachments')/attachment"
method="post" serialization="application/octet-stream"
mediatype="application/pdf" replace="instance" instance="service" resource="http://rest:8080/rest/v1/up/{@filename}" </xforms:submission>
The attachment that holds the temporary uploaded file is <attachment xsi:type="xs:anyURI" />
The error indicates that the orbeon 2018.1 CE thinks it is PE. Is there a property that I can edit to turn off the "requirePEFeature"? Any advice would be appreciated.
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