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javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in orbeon.jar

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javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in orbeon.jar

Florent Georges-3
33 posts

  I've just found that orbeon.jar defines the service
javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in META-INF/services as

  It seems that this class uses in turn the customized class
orbeon.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.  The problem is that
it is in private/xerces-xercesImpl-2_9_orbeon_20070711.jar.
So it seems the service is not fully implemented within the
boundary of the JAR it is defined within, and that the
service requires another JAR tagged as "private."

  Here is a description of how I run into the problem, in
case this is worth knowing.  I define custom processors, so
I added orbeon.jar to my build path, as well as to the class
path used to run unit tests.  One of these tests use Saxon
to run an XSLT transform.  It seems Saxon uses the standard
class SAXParserFactory.  Because orbeon.jar is in the class
path, the Orbeon's implementation is used, but at the end
the Orbeon's SAXParser is not in the class path.

  Maybe it would be worth providing a JAR dedicated to
extensions writing (including SimpleProcessor, ...) and not
including Orbeon Server's runtime details (using a special
SAXParserFactory) ?

  Of course, I added the private JAR to my class path for
now, and everything run fine.



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Re: javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in orbeon.jar

Jean Luc-2
125 posts
I've encountered similar problems with those jars, see the March archive for
the "more details on the deployment problems on SAP WAS (Netweaver)" thread.

Something to try is to delete the "private" directory in
orbeon.war/web-inf/lib,  it worked for me for separate deployments.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Florent Georges" <[hidden email]>
To: "OPS Users ML" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 8:10 AM
Subject: [ops-users] javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in orbeon.jar

>  Hi
>  I've just found that orbeon.jar defines the service
> javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in META-INF/services as
> org.orbeon.oxf.xml.xerces.XercesSAXParserFactoryImpl.
>  It seems that this class uses in turn the customized class
> orbeon.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.  The problem is that
> it is in private/xerces-xercesImpl-2_9_orbeon_20070711.jar.
> So it seems the service is not fully implemented within the
> boundary of the JAR it is defined within, and that the
> service requires another JAR tagged as "private."
>  Here is a description of how I run into the problem, in
> case this is worth knowing.  I define custom processors, so
> I added orbeon.jar to my build path, as well as to the class
> path used to run unit tests.  One of these tests use Saxon
> to run an XSLT transform.  It seems Saxon uses the standard
> class SAXParserFactory.  Because orbeon.jar is in the class
> path, the Orbeon's implementation is used, but at the end
> the Orbeon's SAXParser is not in the class path.
>  Maybe it would be worth providing a JAR dedicated to
> extensions writing (including SimpleProcessor, ...) and not
> including Orbeon Server's runtime details (using a special
> SAXParserFactory) ?
>  Of course, I added the private JAR to my class path for
> now, and everything run fine.
>  Regards,
> --drkm
> __________________________________________________
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Re: Re: javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in orbeon.jar

Florent Georges-3
33 posts
Jean Luc wrote:


  Thank you for the hint!

> I've encountered similar problems with those jars, see the
> March archive for the "more details on the deployment
> problems on SAP WAS (Netweaver)" thread.

  That's not exactly the same problem.  Actually, if I'm
right, that's even quite the opposite :-)  Here I am in the
build environment (that is, my IDE: Eclipse).  The problem
is that I added to the build path orbeon.jar that I
extracted from the WAR; and only orbeon.jar!  So...

> Something to try is to delete the "private" directory in
> orbeon.war/web-inf/lib, it worked for me for separate
> deployments.

...I did the opposite and created a "private" dir in the dir
I added orbeon.jar to, I put within it the JAR xerces-...,
and voila :-)

  Anyway, thank you for the link.  It gave me the clue that
the JAR was referred to by name in the MANIFEST.



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Re: Re: Re: javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in orbeon.jar

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
These class loading issues are confusing :-(

I think BTW that we have removed services declarations from the  
xercesImpl manifest quite a while ago. I don't think we want it to be  
there as it seems to cause problems. I assume you don't have the  
latest nightly, so can you try removing it and see if it improves  


On Apr 29, 2008, at 8:55 AM, Florent Georges wrote:

> Jean Luc wrote:
>  Hi
>  Thank you for the hint!
>> I've encountered similar problems with those jars, see the
>> March archive for the "more details on the deployment
>> problems on SAP WAS (Netweaver)" thread.
>  That's not exactly the same problem.  Actually, if I'm
> right, that's even quite the opposite :-)  Here I am in the
> build environment (that is, my IDE: Eclipse).  The problem
> is that I added to the build path orbeon.jar that I
> extracted from the WAR; and only orbeon.jar!  So...
>> Something to try is to delete the "private" directory in
>> orbeon.war/web-inf/lib, it worked for me for separate
>> deployments.
> ...I did the opposite and created a "private" dir in the dir
> I added orbeon.jar to, I put within it the JAR xerces-...,
> and voila :-)
>  Anyway, thank you for the link.  It gave me the clue that
> the JAR was referred to by name in the MANIFEST.
>  Regards,
> --drkm
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Re: Re: Re: Re: javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in orbeon.jar

Jean Luc-2
125 posts
I cannot try any recent build because of the problem described in the "JS
and CSS links are broken (no longer relative) in the last build(s)" thread.
So I'm stuck with a March build - frustrating, as I see the number of fixes
added in 3.7 but cannot use a new build.

Please, please, have a look :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Erik Bruchez" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 1:22 PM
Subject: [ops-users] Re: Re: Re: javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in

These class loading issues are confusing :-(

I think BTW that we have removed services declarations from the
xercesImpl manifest quite a while ago. I don't think we want it to be
there as it seems to cause problems. I assume you don't have the
latest nightly, so can you try removing it and see if it improves


On Apr 29, 2008, at 8:55 AM, Florent Georges wrote:

> Jean Luc wrote:
>  Hi
>  Thank you for the hint!
>> I've encountered similar problems with those jars, see the
>> March archive for the "more details on the deployment
>> problems on SAP WAS (Netweaver)" thread.
>  That's not exactly the same problem.  Actually, if I'm
> right, that's even quite the opposite :-)  Here I am in the
> build environment (that is, my IDE: Eclipse).  The problem
> is that I added to the build path orbeon.jar that I
> extracted from the WAR; and only orbeon.jar!  So...
>> Something to try is to delete the "private" directory in
>> orbeon.war/web-inf/lib, it worked for me for separate
>> deployments.
> ...I did the opposite and created a "private" dir in the dir
> I added orbeon.jar to, I put within it the JAR xerces-...,
> and voila :-)
>  Anyway, thank you for the link.  It gave me the clue that
> the JAR was referred to by name in the MANIFEST.
>  Regards,
> --drkm
> __________________________________________________
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Re: Re: Re: Re: javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory in orbeon.jar

Florent Georges-3
33 posts
In reply to this post by Erik Bruchez
Erik Bruchez wrote:


> I assume you don't have the latest nightly, so can you try
> removing it and see if it improves things?

  Indeed, I use the same version to develop than the version we have in
prod, the 3.6.0 from 2007-12-06.  Actually the error was mine (I am
always confused by all the things a classpath can depend on): I only
extracted orbeon.jar, and didn't see it depends on
private/xerces-...jar (as stated in its Manifest.)

  So I just extracted this JAR as well from the WAR and put it in a
"private" dir, and all is fine now.

  Thanks for the help,


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regexpr in example work but for me...

121 posts
I just tried to copy from the bookcast example the regexpr for the url(link) but it´s not working...

I have exactly the same link element in my app and I defined it in my schema, too but it´s not working...

in my schema...
<xs:simpleType name="link">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
            <!-- Approximative regexp for HTTP URLs -->
            <xs:pattern value="(https?\://([^/?#]+)/([^?#]*)(\?([^?#]+))?(#(.*))?)?"/>

in my view.xml

<xforms:input ref="link">

I tried the example online on the orbeon site, it´s working. 
Now I have the same code...it´s not working..=(

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Re: regexpr in example work but for me...

Alessandro Vernet
2020 posts
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:45 PM, Masen J <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I tried the example online on the orbeon site, it´s working.
> Now I have the same code...it´s not working..=(

Is it your example or the Bookcast example you tried on the orbeon.com
site? Maybe you could create an example that runs in the XForms
sandbox and reproduces this and post it here.

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