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issue on xforms-xml-submission.xpl file

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issue on xforms-xml-submission.xpl file


I am still migrating from ORBEON 4.4 to ORBEON 2017.2, and I think there is
an error in the xforms-xml-submission.xpl file, line 202, it's not the good
EncodeDecode:decodeXML instead of XFormsUtils:decodeXML

Thank You.


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Re: issue on xforms-xml-submission.xpl file

Erik Bruchez

Good catch. For some reason, this code path must not be taken very often. In
fact I am not sure why it's still there. It's fixed now.


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Re: issue on xforms-xml-submission.xpl file

Hi Erik,

I detected this problem because I use the "transform" attribute (with oxf:xslt or oxf:xupdate) in the <result> of my "page-flow.xml".

Thank You.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de Erik Bruchez
Envoyé : vendredi 3 août 2018 02:32
À : [hidden email]
Objet : [orbeon] Re: issue on xforms-xml-submission.xpl file


Good catch. For some reason, this code path must not be taken very often. In fact I am not sure why it's still there. It's fixed now.


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Re: issue on xforms-xml-submission.xpl file

Erik Bruchez
Julien, thanks, good to know. -Erik

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