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input field name

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input field name

Good afternoon,
I need to create forms where the "name" property of each input field  could be initialised with a value wthout "$portlet$p1", for example.
my example :
<xforms:input ref="/form/FormCommunOrbeon/mdMontantDemande" xhtml:id="mtDemande" xhtml:name="montant Demandé de la subvention" xhtml:class="FORMINPUTOBLIGATOIRE" xhtml:size="19" xhtml:maxlength="13"/>

generated result :

<input type="text" name="$portlet$p1.montant Demand&eacute; de la subvention" value="0" id="mtDemande" class="FORMINPUTOBLIGATOIRE" size="19" maxlength="13">

How could I resolve this problem ?
I work with OPS 2.8.

thank you.

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Re: input field name

Erik Bruchez

I suspect that your application is going through the old examples
portal. You should not do that as it has a heavy performance impact. See
this part of the doc:


More recent versions of Orbeon Forms completely do away with that old


[hidden email] wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> I need to create forms where the "name" property of each input field  could be initialised with a value wthout "$portlet$p1", for example.
> my example :
> <xforms:input ref="/form/FormCommunOrbeon/mdMontantDemande" xhtml:id="mtDemande" xhtml:name="montant Demandé de la subvention" xhtml:class="FORMINPUTOBLIGATOIRE" xhtml:size="19" xhtml:maxlength="13"/>
> generated result :
> <input type="text" name="$portlet$p1.montant Demand&eacute; de la subvention" value="0" id="mtDemande" class="FORMINPUTOBLIGATOIRE" size="19" maxlength="13">
> How could I resolve this problem ?
> I work with OPS 2.8.
> thank you.

Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

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Re: Re: input field name

thank you for your response Erik .
I try with the last version of OPS (3.5.1) and the name of my input is ok.

Thank you.

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