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how to use a web proxy?

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how to use a web proxy?

Ken Yap
2 posts
Sorry if this is a newbie question. Using Orbeon 3.6
on a RHEL4 server after some struggles with jpackage
after which I gave up and installed the tomcat5.5
tarball from apache.org. (Don't get me started on how
broken the JPackage repos are. Sorry, digressing.

I'm trying to get the Instant Translation demo to run.
This would require access to Google, right? We are
behind a firewall and we have to use a HTTP proxy. I
searched the archive and the suggestions of
-Dhttp.proxyHost= and -Dhttp.proxyPort= in the server
startup options didn't work. I looked at the code and
I see nowhere the httpclient class is called to set
the proxy.

Can Orbeon in fact load and submit to an external site
via a proxy and how?

Maybe it's not important, all our URLs will be
internal. But I'd like to know.

Thanks in advance, Ken

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Re: how to use a web proxy?

Alessandro Vernet
2020 posts

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:30 PM, Ken Yap <[hidden email]> wrote:
>  Can Orbeon in fact load and submit to an external site
>  via a proxy and how?

I guess we would have to set the proxy on the HTTP client object (e.g.
as shown here: http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/sslguide.html),
maybe using a configuration defined from properties.xml. This is not
done at this point, but you can change this in the code, and if you
wish contribute back your changes to the community.

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Re: Re: how to use a web proxy?

Ken Yap
2 posts
> >  Can Orbeon in fact load and submit to an external

> site
> >  via a proxy and how?
> I guess we would have to set the proxy on the HTTP
> client object (e.g.
> as shown here:
> http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/sslguide.html),
> maybe using a configuration defined from
> properties.xml. This is not
> done at this point, but you can change this in the
> code, and if you
> wish contribute back your changes to the community.
Thanks, It isn't essential to my project but I'll see
if I can add the code in my spare time. It would be
the usual http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy (perhaps
also all_proxy a la curl) and no_proxy settings so
many browsers use. I think I would leave proxy auth to
somebody else to add.

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