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from-xls processor

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from-xls processor


Is there a configurable way to transform an imported Excel sheet to xml
file by looping through each Excel sheet's row and generate a new xml
element for each row instead of having all cells in one element. If yes,
how (configure excel template, processor, ...) ?
I'm using OPS 3.5.1.

For instance, instead of having this xml instance :

have this :


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Re: from-xls processor

Alessandro Vernet
On Feb 18, 2008, at 8:46 AM, Kim-Vân Ho-Dac wrote:

> Is there a configurable way to transform an imported Excel sheet to  
> xml file by looping through each Excel sheet's row and generate a  
> new xml element for each row instead of having all cells in one  
> element. If yes, how (configure excel template, processor, ...) ?
> I'm using OPS 3.5.1.

No, I don't think there is a way to do this at this point. But note  
that the code of the Excel processors is kind of deprecated and is  
really up for grab. It would benefit from being improved by someone  
who is actually using the processors. The code is out there, so feel  
free to give it a shot, and let us know if you need help along the way.

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