Hi Alex I am stuck with a design problem while trying to create xbl for tabview - specifically with YUI Tab component which has 2 components to add. I am planning to use YUI TabView and Tab. TabView and Tab can be added as HTML or can be added dynamically through javascript. In case of dynamic addition code looks like this: ------------------ tabView.addTab( new YAHOO.widget.Tab({ label: 'ipsum', content: '' })); ------------------ My content part would contain xforms tags - which would require ops transformation, hence dynamic addition of tabs is ruled out. So I decided I would have to add all tabs with content on the server side and on browser side do a dynamic addition and deletion (with some caching for performance). Now comes the XBL part. For static addition (at html body level), I would need a structure like: Tab One Label Tab Two Label Tab Three Label

Tab One Content

Tab Two Content

Tab Three Content

of which TabView structure would be: which I think I can manage in XBL. However, for tab I need to add 2 separate components at different places. Tab One Label

Tab One Content

I am struggling with this now - that in xbl:template section of tab-binding, how do I specify that there are 2 components to add at separate places? Can you provide with some input to start with ? with regards Pralhad