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exf sort column doesn't support function?

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exf sort column doesn't support function?

cheney zhao
I am using exf:sort in my application.

<xforms:repeat nodeset="exf:sort(//row, 'column1', 'text', 'ascending')
This one works well.

 <xforms:repeat nodeset="exf:sort(//row, 'concat(column1,column2)', 'text', 'ascending')
But this doesn't work. It seems it doesn't support complex xpath (has function). This is just an example. I need to sort by the calculated result. Could you provide some suggestion?

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.orbeon.saxon.dom4j.NodeWrapper
        at org.orbeon.saxon.functions.Concat.evaluateItem(Concat.java:38)
        at org.orbeon.saxon.sort.SortedIterator.buildArray(SortedIterator.java:176)
        at org.orbeon.saxon.sort.SortedIterator.doSort(SortedIterator.java:193)
        at org.orbeon.saxon.sort.SortedIterator.next(SortedIterator.java:76)
        at org.orbeon.saxon.expr.FilterIterator.getNextMatchingItem(FilterIterator.java:65)
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Re: exf sort column doesn't support function?


>  <xforms:repeat nodeset="exf:sort(//row, 'concat(column1,column2)', 'text',
> 'ascending')
> But this doesn't work. It seems it doesn't support complex xpath (has
> function). This is just an example. I need to sort by the calculated result.
> Could you provide some suggestion?

maybe it's because concat requires two strings, but this example will
pass two elements / nodes to concat. Does this work:

<xforms:repeat nodeset="exf:sort(//row, concat(column1,column2, ''),
'text', 'ascending'>


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Re: exf sort column doesn't support function?

cheney zhao
It doesn't work. The exf sort column should be a xpath string and it will be evaluated at runtime.
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Re: Re: exf sort column doesn't support function?

Erik Bruchez
Can you try:

   concat(string(column1), string(column2))'

Not sure why this would be necessary though!


On Oct 13, 2008, at 8:19 PM, cheney zhao wrote:

> It doesn't work. The exf sort column should be a xpath string and it  
> will be
> evaluated at runtime.
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Re: Re: exf sort column doesn't support function?

cheney zhao

Thank you so much, 'concat(string(column1), string(column2))' works well.

I have problem on another sort column. Maybe it is too complicated. I want to use a reference attribute to do a query in another instance and get the sort column.

The error message said instance and context() function is not supported. Do you have any good idea on how to do this?

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Re: Re: Re: exf sort column doesn't support function?

Alessandro Vernet

On Oct 15, 2008, at 12:11 AM, cheney zhao wrote:
> 'xxforms:instance('person-ins')/Person[@key=context()/
> @personReference]/FullName'
> The error message said instance and context() function is not  
> supported. Do
> you have any good idea on how to do this?

Would you have an example, if possible running in the sandbox, that  
would show this?

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Re: Re: Re: exf sort column doesn't support function?

James Gu

This is the example.

In the example, I sort the result by Quantity and it works well. What I want to sort is the commented line.

<xforms:repeat nodeset="exf:sort(xxforms:instance('buy-list')/Customer/Cart/Item, 'xxforms:instance('all-products')/Product[@id=context()/@productRef]/Name', 'text', 'ascending')">

There are two questiosns:
1. There is single single quotes in the sort column expression and the sort column is a string parameter, it should be wrapped with single quotes. How to make it work?

2. It seems is doesn't support instance and context function.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: exf sort column doesn't support function?

Alessandro Vernet
On Oct 19, 2008, at 7:37 PM, JamesGu wrote:

> <xforms:repeat
> nodeset="exf:sort(xxforms:instance('buy-list')/Customer/Cart/Item,
> 'xxforms:instance('all-products')/Product[@id=context()/@productRef]/
> Name',
> 'text', 'ascending')">
> There are two questiosns:
> 1. There is single single quotes in the sort column expression and  
> the sort
> column is a string parameter, it should be wrapped with single  
> quotes. How
> to make it work?
You can double the single quotes to escape them in XPath. So you want  
to pass the string W's end to an XPath function f() a string, you  
would write: f('W''s end').

> 2. It seems is doesn't support instance and context function.

The second argument is an XPath expression which is evaluated by  
exf:sort() relative to the nodes returned by the first expression. It  
is passed to exf:sort() as a string, otherwise it would be evaluate  
before exf:sort() is called, and it wouldn't run in the appropriate  
context. Because this expression is evaluate by exf:sort(), the  
functions you normally have in XForms (such as xxforms:instance() and  
context()) are not available.

Unless we (or you) extends exf:sort(), unfortunately you can't access  
another instance in that second XPath expression, which means you  
can't sort on the name of the product, unless you store the content of  
the all-products instance in your buy-list instance.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: exf sort column doesn't support function?

James Gu

I see. Thank you for your explaination!
