error count is wrong when group becomes irrelevant

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error count is wrong when group becomes irrelevant


I'm facing an issue where the error count is wrong for a particular group when that group becomes irrelevant.

What I have is a dropdown and depending on what value is selected, I may or maybe not have additional info. fields.  The additional fields are rendered by having a group corresponding to each dropdown that is relevant depending on the dropdown choice.  These fields have a bind associated with them depending on a type attribute.

<xforms:bind nodeset="main/action-type-info/*[@type = 'number-list']" type="xs:string" constraint="matches(., '^([0-9]+){1}([,]{1}[0-9]+)*$')" required="true()" />
My problem is that the error-summary model still holds the errors for the additional info. fields even when that group becomes irrelevant.  I feel like there's something missing in my understanding of how the error-summary gets updated.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Here is the code snippet:


	<xforms:select1 id="my-input" ref="$instance/main/action-type"
		<xforms:label class="rivetlogic-xforms-label"
			ref="$resources/asset/main/action-type/label" />
		<xforms:itemset nodeset="xxforms:instance('action-types')/action-type">
				ref="$resources/asset/main/action-type/dropdown-labels/*[name() = context()/@label-id]" />
			<xforms:value ref="@value" />
		<xforms:alert ref="$resources/asset/main/action-type/alert" />
		<xforms:hint clref="$resources/asset/main/action-type/hint" />

		<!-- when the action type changes, delete the existing additional info 
			(before adding the appropriate elements for the selected action type) -->
		<xforms:action ev:event="xforms-value-changed">
			<xforms:delete nodeset="$instance/main/action-type-info/*" />


		<!-- add the additional info. elements to the descriptor instance for this 
			dropdown option (note: the num-fields attribute value must match the number 
			of field elements) -->
		<xforms:action ev:event="xforms-value-changed"
			while="(string(number(xxforms:instance('action-types')/*[@value = $instance/main/action-type]/@num-fields)) != 'NaN') and count($instance/main/action-type-info/*) lt (xxforms:instance('action-types')/*[@value = $instance/main/action-type]/@num-fields cast as xs:integer )">

				origin="xxforms:element(xxforms:instance('action-types')/*[@value = $instance/main/action-type]/field[@id=string(count($instance/main/action-type-info/*)+1)]/element-name, xxforms:attribute('type', xxforms:instance('action-types')/*[@value = $instance/main/action-type]/field[@id=string(count($instance/main/action-type-info/*)+1)]/type))"
				context="$instance/main/action-type-info" nodeset="*" />



<!-- action type info fields -->
<xforms:repeat nodeset="xxforms:instance('action-types')/action-type">

	<!-- create group for each action type, it is relevant when it is chosen 
		in the dropdown -->
		ref=".[count($instance/main/action-type[text() = context()/@value]) > 0]">

		<!-- number of additional info fields for this action type -->
		<xxforms:variable name="num-fields"
			select="context()/@num-fields cast as xs:integer" />

		<!-- add the additional info. input fields to the form for this dropdown 
			option (note: the num-fields attribute value must match the number of field 
			elements) -->
		<xforms:repeat nodeset="(1 to $num-fields)">
			<xxforms:variable name="i" select="." />
			<div >
					ref="$instance/main/action-type-info/*[name() = (xxforms:instance('action-types')/*[@value= $instance/main/action-type]/field[@id=$i]/element-name)]"
					xxforms:maxlength="{xxforms:instance('action-types')/*[@value = $instance/main/action-type]/field[@id=$i]/maxlength}">
					<xforms:label class="rivetlogic-xforms-label"
						ref="$resources/asset/main/action-type/additional-info-fields/*[name() = (xxforms:instance('action-types')/*[@value = $instance/main/action-type]/field[@id=$i]/element-name)]/label" />
						ref="$resources/asset/main/action-type/additional-info-fields/*[name() = (xxforms:instance('action-types')/*[@value = $instance/main/action-type]/field[@id=string($i)]/element-name)]/alert" />
						ref="$resources/asset/main/action-type/additional-info-fields/*[name() = (xxforms:instance('action-types')/*[@value = $instance/main/action-type]/field[@id=string($i)]/element-name)]/hint" />



Thanks in advance,
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Re: error count is wrong when group becomes irrelevant

Just to follow up, I was pointed to this, where it looks like someone else faced the same issue.

I'm currently on 3.8.0 CE, but tested on the latest, 3.9.0 RC1 CE, and it fixed the problem.
