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embedded eXist db: setting up xquery files

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embedded eXist db: setting up xquery files

I would be grateful for some guidance on setting up xquery files in the embedded eXist db.  How do I get my xquery files into the database?

Also, how can I use the eXist java client with the embedded db?


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Re: embedded eXist db: setting up xquery files

Erik Bruchez

With Orbeon Forms 3.5.1, Orbeon Forms enables eXist XML-RPC access by
default. This means that you should be able to access eXist with the
Java client by default.


[hidden email] wrote:
> I would be grateful for some guidance on setting up xquery files in the embedded eXist db.  How do I get my xquery files into the database?
> Also, how can I use the eXist java client with the embedded db?
> Thanks
> Peter

Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

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Re: embedded eXist db: setting up xquery files

Alessandro Vernet
In reply to this post by pw-4

On 5/16/07, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I would be grateful for some guidance on setting up xquery files in the embedded
> eXist db.  How do I get my xquery files into the database?

You don't setup XQuery files in the database, but rather send the
XQuery to the database when you want to run a query. The XQuery is
part of your application stored in resources, rather than stored in
the database, and your application sends the query to eXist when it
needs to be executed. Does this make sense?

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

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