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element value change event

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element value change event

Jurgis Lukss

How can I catch an "xforms-value-changed" event of instance's element, that's not output in XForms page? For example, if I have following instance data:

and -

    <xforms:bind ref="element2" calculate="element1" />

In this exmaple element1 is output using xforms:input control, but element2 is only used for submission. And I want to initiate xforms:action on element's "element2" value change, that might happen when user changes value of xforms:input control.
Only solution I found - is to use xforms:group with single node reference to element2 anywhere in page and put xforms:action under it, like that:

<xforms:group ref="element2">
   <xforms:action ev:event="xforms-value-changed">

But it won't work in Orbeon, because of this bugfix - http://forge.objectweb.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=168&atid=350207&aid=306832

Is there any other way?



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Re: element value change event

Alessandro Vernet
Hi Jurgis,

On 5/28/07, jurgis <[hidden email]> wrote:
> How can I catch an "xforms-value-changed" event of instance's element,
> that's not output in XForms page?

You need to have an XForms control on the page, because
xforms-value-changed is only dispatched to form controls according to
the XForms specification. But you can hide the form control on the
page by adding a CSS "display: none" on that form control (say

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