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deploying orbeon forms in WAS and Oracle DB Connectivity

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deploying orbeon forms in WAS and Oracle DB Connectivity

Hi Team,
We have deployed Orbeon Forms in Websphere Application Server but unable to do Oracle DB connectivity using server.xml. Pls help.

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Re: deploying orbeon forms in WAS and Oracle DB Connectivity

Alessandro  Vernet
Setting up a datasource in your app server can at times be tricky. Did you get a chance to go through the information about the JDBC setup mentioned on the page linked below?


If you did something along those lines and still experience a problem, could you tell us more about what the problem is? Are you getting an error in the orbeon.log?

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Re: deploying orbeon forms in WAS and Oracle DB Connectivity

Thanks for the reply.

The steps provided in the link is for deploying orbeon in WLP (Websphere Liberty Profile). I am looking forward to a good documentation/steps for doing Orbeon DB connectivity in WAS (Websphere Application Server). We have created a data source in WAS and are able to connect to Oracle Server.

But what are the changes required in orbeon configuration (say, server.xml etc) so that DB connection from application (Orbeon) to  DB Server is successfull.

Please help. Please let me know if you need more information from me.

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Re: deploying orbeon forms in WAS and Oracle DB Connectivity

Alessandro  Vernet
At the level of the application server, you need to make the data source available to Orbeon Forms through JNDI as `java:comp/env/jdbc/oracle`. At the level of Orbeon Forms, you need to edit the `properties-local.xml` and set the value if the `oxf.fr.persistence.provider.*.*.*` property to `oracle`, as described on:


You'll let us know if this helps,

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