component that uses autocomplete

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component that uses autocomplete


I've been trying to create a component that includes an autocomplete field, in order to give my users the option of using a couple of autocompletes that are already pre-set with the correct parameters (url, item, label, value).
My plan was to create a couple of those, add them to the left sidebar in form builder and the users could quickly pick them up to select city, county, etc.

I've almost got it working, but I have 2 issues:
  1. The selector is not working anymore - it's not querying the service on value changes
  2. The alert and help texts work, but they do not show up in the builder's "Control settings" dialog in the appropriate tabs
I've tried by including the autocomplete in both the xbl:binding / metadata / templates / view element or in the xbl:template element, both seem to yield the same result.

It seems that the component's text change event does not get triggered for some reason, but I'm not sure why.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Sorin Vasilescu
[hidden email]

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Re: component that uses autocomplete

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Sorin,

I've seen you message on Stack Overflow, and meant to run your XBL and try to debug it. In fact, I had this on my list for a few days now, but days only have so many hours and more often than not we just don't have the bandwidth to debug custom code written by people in the community.

As mentioned in another thread, if this is something that makes sense for your organization, you might want look into using Orbeon Forms PE and getting Dev Support.


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