columns in summary view not showing

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columns in summary view not showing


We have a strange error: in one of our forms, where we have a lot of columns active for the summary view, and some of them are simply not shown.

After some digging, we found out the following:

We have implemented a persistence API according to
here you describe that the details returned by a search query contain only the elements for which summary-field = 'true'.

However, in form runner's summary view.xhtml (at least this is the case for 3.9.1PE), we see the following starting on line 646:

<!-- One column for each detail -->
<xxforms:variable name="positions" select="instance('fr-search-instance')/query[@name and @summary-field = 'true']/(count(preceding-sibling::query[@name]) + 1)"/>
<xforms:repeat nodeset="details/detail[position() = $positions]" id="document-details-repeat">

These lines suggest that any field with search-field or summary-field set to 'true', are expected to be present in the document's details, and the necessary filtering out is done by the variable 'positions'.

Either this is wrong, or the description or the api is wrong (we have not tested how your own search implementation behaves here). What should be the correct way of fixing this? we can either adjust our persistence api to include search-fields as well, or change the view.xhtml to be correct.


Koen Vanderkimpen

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