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collection read from xpl

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collection read from xpl


      I am implementing xpl in my application. in events collection there are  multiple event.xml files. in each xml file there is a tag called <eventname>.

     I have to read that events collection and xml files and  then return event names to xform.

I am new to xpl

can any one please give me suggestion how to do it

Thanks & Regards

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Re: collection read from xpl


>       I am implementing xpl in my application. in events collection there
> are  multiple event.xml files. in each xml file there is a tag called
> <eventname>.
>      I have to read that events collection and xml files and  then return
> event names to xform.
> I am new to xpl
> can any one please give me suggestion how to do it
there's an example in the documentation:


The example for the xmldb-query processor shows how to query a xml
database - you just have to change the path and the xquery. It could
look as follows:

xquery version "1.0";
{ for $d in /db/events//eventname return $d }

You should optimize the xpath according to your db structure.


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Re: collection read from xpl


    I am getting empty root when returning xpl.

in event.xml contains  like


these xml files are in events collection

I have used query in xpl as

         { for $d in /db/events//name return $d }

then i am getting <events/> tag only.

can you please give me suggestion

Thanks & Regards

fs(ops-users) wrote

>       I am implementing xpl in my application. in events collection there
> are  multiple event.xml files. in each xml file there is a tag called
> <eventname>.
>      I have to read that events collection and xml files and  then return
> event names to xform.
> I am new to xpl
> can any one please give me suggestion how to do it

there's an example in the documentation:


The example for the xmldb-query processor shows how to query a xml
database - you just have to change the path and the xquery. It could
look as follows:

xquery version "1.0";
{ for $d in /db/events//eventname return $d }

You should optimize the xpath according to your db structure.


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Re: Re: collection read from xpl

Hi Ramesh,

> I have used query in xpl as
>          <events>
>          { for $d in /db/events//name return $d }
>          </events>
> then i am getting <events/> tag only.

the exact XPath depends completely on the structure of your database, so
i can't formulate the Xpath precisely. Besides that, you can name a
certain collection in the xdb:query element (see the example in the
docs), maybe that collection is wrong.

In my app, i usually address the resources using the collection() function:


So, you could try


to address the name elements, if this matches your db structure.

I recommend to test the xquery separately using the eXist java client or
the eXist XQuery sandbox first before putting it into an XPL. It's much
easier to debug the xquery using one of those tools, and only if the
query is working as expected, it should be included in a XPL.


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