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calling XPL using xxforms:call-xpl

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calling XPL using xxforms:call-xpl


Hello All,



1) I am trying to display values using xpl. When execute the xpl file from command prompt it displays an instance





When I try to call the same xpl file from xform using xxforms:call-xpl method for displaying name. It displays nothing

And I'm trying to bind the xpl output dynamically to event instance in xform


<xforms:bind nodeset="event" caluclate="xxforms:call-xpl('oxf:/apps/upcomingevents/view-event-expanded.xpl',data, instance('events-instance'),'formatted-output')/*, 'html'">


When I view a xpl in browser it displayed XPL view must have a 'data' output error


 2) Can we write xpath in call-xpl() method in which argument of call-xpl () method we can write xpath?


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Re: calling XPL using xxforms:call-xpl


> When I view a xpl in browser it displayed
> XPL view must have a 'data' output error

the error message tells you what's the problem: a xpl view must have a
data output. So you have two possibilities:

- keep the xpl _as view_ and use a data output to return the xpl result
instance; to do this, you should drop the xml serializer (the last
processor in your pipeline), add a p:param type="output" name="data" and
connect the xquery processor to that output (using ref="data").


- change the corresponding page-flow entry from view="your-xpl.xpl" to
model="your-xpl.xpl"; then you can let the xpl content as it is.


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