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call-xpl refresh problem (2)

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call-xpl refresh problem (2)

25 posts
I'm reposting my answer as it was not attached correctly to the original thread, nor sent by mail.


I've also considered that, but unfortunately the example below is
enclosed in a repeat which makes updating this relations-instance a lot

Do we have another option?


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Erik Bruchez [mailto:[hidden email]] Namens Erik Bruchez
Verzonden: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 11:36 AM
Aan: [hidden email]
Onderwerp: Re: [ops-users] call-xpl refresh problem


What I would do would be to perform xxforms:call-xpl() only upon certain

events, for example upon catching xforms-ready or some
xforms-value-changed events. Store the result of xxforms:call-xpl() into

an instance. Then have your xforms:output bound to values in that

Something like this:



[hidden email] wrote:
> Hi,
> In our application we're editing an XForms-instance. This instance
contains some uri's which represent relations to other objects. The
metadata of these objects is stored externally (name, date, ...). Using
an xpl service, we retrieve the metadata and show these metadata in the
editing application.
> An example call to the xpl service is:
> value="xxforms:call-xpl('oxf:/spil-edit/services/run-extobj-query.xpl',
('instance'), (.), ('data'))/*/note[@ext:qual='URI']/text()" />
> The above example works fine, except that the service is called every
time an object gets/loses focus. How can we change this so that the
service is only called when:
> - the xforms-instance is first loaded
> - some elements are changed?
> If this is not possible, how can we enable caching for the
> gts,
> Ronny

Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

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Re: call-xpl refresh problem (2)

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
[hidden email] wrote:
> I'm reposting my answer as it was not attached correctly to the original thread, nor sent by mail.
> Erik,
> I've also considered that, but unfortunately the example below is
> enclosed in a repeat which makes updating this relations-instance a lot
> harder.
> Do we have another option?

I think using actions should work, but it's hard to tell for sure
without spending more time on your particular example ;-)


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

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RE: call-xpl refresh problem (2)

25 posts
In reply to this post by Ronthe
Right, I see :)

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Erik Bruchez [mailto:[hidden email]] Namens Erik Bruchez
Verzonden: Monday, January 29, 2007 11:45 AM
Aan: [hidden email]
Onderwerp: Re: [ops-users] call-xpl refresh problem (2)

[hidden email] wrote:
> I'm reposting my answer as it was not attached correctly to the
original thread, nor sent by mail.
> Erik,
> I've also considered that, but unfortunately the example below is
> enclosed in a repeat which makes updating this relations-instance a
> harder.
> Do we have another option?

I think using actions should work, but it's hard to tell for sure
without spending more time on your particular example ;-)


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

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