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bug: insert/delete on repeat during background upload causes error

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bug: insert/delete on repeat during background upload causes error

Adrian Baker
117 posts
If I launch a background upload using an <xf:upload> control, if I add to the repeat while this upload is in progress then an error can result when the upload finishes (this is in a recent nightly).

In 3.5.1 no error is shown, but instead incorrect UI states can result.

To replicate select a large file on the upload example, click Upload Selected Files, and while it's uploaded keep hitting the Add One trigger.


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Re: bug: insert/delete on repeat during background upload causes error

Alessandro Vernet
2020 posts

On 9/12/07, Adrian Baker <[hidden email]> wrote:
>  If I launch a background upload using an <xf:upload> control, if I add to
> the repeat while this upload is in progress then an error can result when
> the upload finishes (this is in a recent nightly).
>  In 3.5.1 no error is shown, but instead incorrect UI states can result.
>  To replicate select a large file on the upload example, click Upload
> Selected Files, and while it's uploaded keep hitting the Add One trigger.

I was able to reproduce this. Thank you for the bug report. Here the
corresponding bug for tracking:


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