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authentication samples

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authentication samples


In the authentication samples, if login is not successful, password and
username are transmitted in clear in the URL, is it possible to change
this behavior ?


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Re: authentication samples

To be more precise, here is what appears on the URL bar :
if authentication is not successful.

Kim-Vân Ho-Dac a écrit :
> Hi,
> In the authentication samples, if login is not successful, password
> and username are transmitted in clear in the URL, is it possible to
> change this behavior ?
> Thanks.

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Re: authentication samples

Alessandro Vernet
On 8/24/07, Kim-Vân Ho-Dac <[hidden email]> wrote:
> To be more precise, here is what appears on the URL bar :
> ops/j_security_check?j_username=username&j_password=psswd
> if authentication is not successful.

Yes, it is just a matter of adding method="post" on the form used to
get the login/password in login.xhtml. And you are right, we should do
that. So I modified to example to add method="post".

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Re: authentication samples


I'm having a Java authentication - related problem . After clicking login in the form (login.xhtml) I get the following error (the URL I see in the address bar is localhost:8080/orbeon/j_security_check) :

Orbeon Forms - Page Not Found

We are sorry, but the resource you have requested is not available on this server.

Maybe that's not the correct URL for j_security_check ?

I get this error in any application , as well as java-authentication example application.

This is my <login-config> element in web.xml :


The pop-up authentication works fine , only the one from the interface "throws" that error.

Just to mention it , I didn't change the content of login.xhtml , it's the default one ; it uses POST and the form action attr is "/j_security_check" :

<form action="/j_security_check" method="post">

Thank you !