package net.sf.saxon.option.local; import net.sf.saxon.expr.number.AbstractNumberer; /** * Class Numberer_de provides localization for format-date() and xsl:number with language = "de" (German) * @author Michael H. Kay */ public class Numberer_de extends AbstractNumberer { /** * Construct the ordinal suffix for a number, for example "st", "nd", "rd" * @param ordinalParam the value of the ordinal attribute (used in non-English * language implementations) * @param number the number being formatted * @return the ordinal suffix to be appended to the formatted number */ protected String ordinalSuffix(String ordinalParam, long number) { return "."; } /** * Show the number as words in title case. (We choose title case because * the result can then be converted algorithmically to lower case or upper case). */ public String toWords(long number) { if (number >= 1000000000) { long rem = number % 1000000000; long n = number / 1000000000; String s = (n==1 ? "Eine" : toWords(n)); return s + " Milliarde" + (rem==0 ? "" : ' ' + toWords(rem)); } else if (number >= 1000000) { long rem = number % 1000000; long n = number / 1000000; String s = (n==1 ? "Eine" : toWords(n)); return s + " Million" + (rem==0 ? "" : ' ' + toWords(rem)); } else if (number >= 1000) { long rem = number % 1000; long n = number / 1000; String s = (n==1 ? "Ein" : toWords(n)); return s + "tausend" + (rem==0 ? "" : ' ' + toWords(rem)); } else if (number >= 100) { long rem = number % 100; long n = number / 100; String s = (n==1 ? "Ein" : toWords(n)); return s + "hundert" + (rem==0 ? "" : (rem>20 ? "" : "und") + toWords(rem, LOWER_CASE)); } else { if (number < 20) return germanUnits[(int)number]; int rem = (int)(number % 10); int tens = (int)number / 10; return (germanUnits[rem]) + (tens==0 ? "" : (rem==0 ? "" : "und") + germanTens[tens]); } } private static String[] germanUnits = { "", "Eins", "Zwei", "Drei", "Vier", "F\u00fcnf", "Sechs", "Sieben", "Acht", "Neun", "Zehn", "Elf", "Zw\u00f6lf", "Dreizehn", "Vierzehn", "F\u00fcnfzehn", "Sechszehn", "Siebzehn", "Achtzehn", "Neunzehn"}; private static String[] germanTens = { "", "Zehn", "Zwanzig", "Drei\u00dfig", "Vierzig", "F\u00fcnfzig", "Sechzig", "Siebzig", "Achtzig", "Neunzig"}; /** * Show an ordinal number as German words (for example, Einundzwanzigste) */ public String toOrdinalWords(String ordinalParam, long number, int wordCase) { String suffix = "e"; if (ordinalParam.equalsIgnoreCase("-er")) { suffix = "er"; } else if (ordinalParam.equalsIgnoreCase("-es")) { suffix = "es"; } else if (ordinalParam.equalsIgnoreCase("-en")) { suffix = "en"; } long mod100 = number % 100; if (number < 20) { String ord = germanOrdinalUnits[(int)number] + suffix; if (wordCase==UPPER_CASE) { return ord.toUpperCase(); } else if (wordCase==LOWER_CASE) { return ord.toLowerCase(); } else { return ord; } } else if (mod100 < 20 && mod100 > 0) { return toWords(number - (mod100), wordCase) + toOrdinalWords(ordinalParam, mod100, (wordCase==TITLE_CASE ? LOWER_CASE : wordCase)); } else { String ending = "st" + suffix; if (wordCase==UPPER_CASE) { ending = ending.toUpperCase(); } return toWords(number, wordCase) + (wordCase==UPPER_CASE ? ending.toUpperCase() : ending); } } private static String[] germanOrdinalUnits = { "", "Erst", "Zweit", "Dritt", "Viert", "F\u00fcnft", "Sechst", "Siebt", "Acht", "Neunt", "Zehnt", "Elft", "Zw\u00f6lft", "Dreizehnt", "Vierzehnt", "F\u00fcnfzehnt", "Sechszehnt", "Siebzehnt", "Achtzehnt", "Neunzehnt"}; /** * Get a month name or abbreviation * @param month The month number (1=January, 12=December) * @param minWidth The minimum number of characters * @param maxWidth The maximum number of characters */ public String monthName(int month, int minWidth, int maxWidth) { String name = germanMonths[month-1]; if (maxWidth < 3) { maxWidth = 3; } if (name.length() > maxWidth) { name = name.substring(0, maxWidth); } while (name.length() < minWidth) { name = name + " "; } return name; } private static String[] germanMonths = { "Januar", "Februar", "M\u00e4rz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember" }; /** * Get a day name or abbreviation * @param day The month number (1=Sunday, 7=Saturday) * @param minWidth The minimum number of characters * @param maxWidth The maximum number of characters */ public String dayName(int day, int minWidth, int maxWidth) { String name = germanDays[day-1]; if (maxWidth < 10) { name = name.substring(0, 2); } while (name.length() < minWidth) { name = name + ' '; } return name; } private static String[] germanDays = { "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag", "Sonntag" }; /** * Get an ordinal suffix for a particular component of a date/time. * * @param component the component specifier from a format-dateTime picture, for * example "M" for the month or "D" for the day. * @return a string that is acceptable in the ordinal attribute of xsl:number * to achieve the required ordinal representation. For example, "-e" for the day component * in German, to have the day represented as "dritte August". */ public String getOrdinalSuffixForDateTime(String component) { return "-e"; } /** * Get the name for an era (e.g. "BC" or "AD") * @param year the proleptic gregorian year, using "0" for the year before 1AD */ public String getEraName(int year) { return (year <= 0 ? "v. Chr." : "n. Chr."); } /** * Get the name of a calendar * * @param code The code representing the calendar as in the XSLT 2.0 spec, e.g. AD for the Gregorian calendar */ /*@NotNull*/ public String getCalendarName(String code) { if (code.equals("AD")) { return "Gregorianisch"; } else { return code; } } } // // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, // WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. // // The Original Code is: all this file. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Saxonica Limited. // // Portions created by __ are Copyright (C) __. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): None //