Enter some data false This is a test accessing a form element by it's id after it's been created.
Firstly test we can obtain the id of the hidden control
Run javascript runTest("xforms-element-6");

Secondly add a new dynamic element by clicking the button below.
Add new row

Finally run the same bit of javascript to obtain the id of the hidden control
Run javascript runTest("xforms-element-6");

Debug panel function runTest(elementName) { var debug = document.getElementById('debugDiv'); debug.innerHTML = "running test..<br/>"; var x = document.getElementById(elementName+'·1'); if (x) debug.innerHTML += "1. document.getElementById('"+elementName+"·1').id = "+x.id+"<br/>"; x = document.getElementById(elementName); if (x) { debug.innerHTML += "2. document.getElementById('"+elementName+"').id = "+x.id; if (elementName != x.id) debug.innerHTML += " <span style='color:red'>why is this???</span>"; } }