Enter some data
This is a test accessing a form element by it's id after it's been created.
Firstly test we can obtain the id of the hidden control
Run javascript
Secondly add a new dynamic element by clicking the button below.
Add new row
Finally run the same bit of javascript to obtain the id of the hidden control
Run javascript
Debug panel
function runTest(elementName)
var debug = document.getElementById('debugDiv');
debug.innerHTML = "running test..<br/>";
var x = document.getElementById(elementName+'·1');
if (x) debug.innerHTML += "1. document.getElementById('"+elementName+"·1').id = "+x.id+"<br/>";
x = document.getElementById(elementName);
if (x)
debug.innerHTML += "2. document.getElementById('"+elementName+"').id = "+x.id;
if (elementName != x.id) debug.innerHTML += " <span style='color:red'>why is this???</span>";