As teachers and support staff, we are now expected to embed the use of digital techniques and materials in our practice. Our students have grown up with this technology – they are digital natives. Most of us are digital immigrants, often acquiring our skills in a piecemeal fashion according to need. If we are to manage an environment in which e-learning techniques are fundamental to our role, we need to feel confident that our underlying e-skills are good enough.
This checklist has two purposes. The first is to give you the chance to take a snapshot of your current skills. You can use this overview to define topics for professional development. The information you provide will also be used by your organisation to identify and plan ways to meet your training needs. If both you and your organisation share some degree of understanding of your needs, they are more likely to be met.
For those in the FE sector, time spent on ILT training will count towards the Institute for Learning’s requirement for continuous professional development, to be introduced in Autumn 2007.
Hastings College staff: please enter your Employee Number in this box.
(Employees of other organisation will be given a unique identifier to enter above. The individual associated with any given identifier will be known only to his or her organisation. The information you supply will be entered in a database for analysis of training needs by organisation)