Permanently Instrumented Field Sites for

Garner Valley SFSI Field Site

The field site at Garner Valley, near Mt. San Jacinto

The Garner Valley Array is a thoroughly characterized strong motion monitoring site with surface accelerometers, borehole pore pressure transducers and accelerometers, and an extensively instrumented Soil-Foundation-Structure-Interaction (SFSI) test facility. The Garner Valley array records earthquakes on a daily basis, and is also used in active testing experiments. more

Wildlife Refuge Liquefaction Field Site

The field site at the Imperial Wildlife Refuge

Located in the Imperial Valley of Southern California within the Imperial Wildlife Management Area, the Wildlife Liquefaction Array is a fully instrumented site in an area that has historically produced significant ground motion and liquefaction effects. more

Resources For:

Information for ResearchersEarthquake Engineers and Researchers

Information for Graduate StudentsGraduate Students

Information for Students and Educators Students and Educators

Information for the General PublicPublic Science Initiatives


A student uses the seismometer and computer to print an earthquake of their jumping

NEES@UCSB presents a seismometer to studets at the annual Hope School Science Fair. more

This project is supported by the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Program of the National Science Foundation under Award Numbers CMS-0217421 and CMS-0402490.

Remote site communications are made possible by the HPWREN program at UC San Diego, NSF grant numbers 0087344 and 0426879.