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altering controls for select1

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altering controls for select1

Don Smith-9
23 posts
Is it possible to use different controls for a select1
than the usual drop-down box or check boxes?

If, say, I wanted to present the user with 3 options,
forcing the choice of 1, but wanted to lay it out
across the page as a row in table, with each cell
containing a button labeled "Select", is that
possible? (Each cell would also have various images
and explanatory text, as well as the Select button.)



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Re: altering controls for select1

413 posts

> If, say, I wanted to present the user with 3 options,
> forcing the choice of 1, but wanted to lay it out
> across the page as a row in table, with each cell
> containing a button labeled "Select", is that
> possible? (Each cell would also have various images
> and explanatory text, as well as the Select button.)

i think you will have to create that "by hand", but it should be
possible using the usual xforms controls. To create the table, just use
a xforms:repeat iterating over the nodeset that would act as datasource
for the select1. To implement the "select1 functionality", you will have
to react on the user's selection manually. Depending on which control
you use to let the user choose one of the table rows (you could use a
boolean checkbox), you will have to implement a combination of
xforms:setvalue actions to deactivate a previous selection and copy the
selected value into your data instance.


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