accessing remote user from Apache authentication

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accessing remote user from Apache authentication

I would like to make use of an existing apache authentication set up that sets
the REMOTE_USER env_var (JkEnvVar).  Is it possible to get access to this
without having to set up tomcat authentication so that I can know which user is
currently authenticated?   Ideally, I'd like to be able to use
xxforms:get-remote-user(), but grabbing it from a header seems like it would
also solve the problem.

I'm thinking of doing something similar to this:

but I'm wondering if there's a better way.

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Re: accessing remote user from Apache authentication

Alessandro Vernet
gosnat wrote
I would like to make use of an existing apache authentication set up that sets
the REMOTE_USER env_var (JkEnvVar).  Is it possible to get access to this
without having to set up tomcat authentication so that I can know which user is
currently authenticated?   Ideally, I'd like to be able to use
xxforms:get-remote-user(), but grabbing it from a header seems like it would
also solve the problem.
If there is a header REMOTE_USER set, from XPath in XForms you can use xxforms:get-request-header('REMOTE_USER'). You can find more on those extension function at:
