Yahoo IM Processor

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Yahoo IM Processor

I configured xpl to use yahoo processor (oxf:im) but I get and error that states that the processor oxf:im can not be found.  Is the processor name something else that what is documented?  Thank you.
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Re: Yahoo IM Processor

Alessandro Vernet

brian18425 wrote
I configured xpl to use yahoo processor (oxf:im) but I get and error that states that the processor oxf:im can not be found.  Is the processor name something else that what is documented?  Thank you.
This processor has been removed because it hasn't been maintained for years. The documentation was still there by mistake. I just removed it (it won't be present in the next nightly build, and will be removed from the web site the next time we update the documentation there).

Now you can implement your own IM processor using the jYMSG library ( I haven't tried it recently but it used to work quite well. And if you do this, it would make a nice "contributed processor" that could go under "Contributions" (see:

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Re: Yahoo IM Processor

Alessandro Vernet
Alessandro Vernet wrote
This processor has been removed because it hasn't been maintained for years. The documentation was still there by mistake. I just removed it (it won't be present in the next nightly build, and will be removed from the web site the next time we update the documentation there).
And for reference, the bug is:
