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  I have always the same problem of sharing instances B/W pages, so i hope having this time a solution wich can unblock me..

  I give an example :

   I have two pages, ask and display, the instances are different but they have some commun elements,

  when i click the submit button in the ask page, the instance is submitted with the xfoms submission,so i wan't to update the

commun elements   in the display page with the submitted values ( i wan't to use xupdate in the page-flow as we did before with the

 classic engine , but  the commun values of the display's page's instance remain empty!) , why the Xupdate don't work in my code ?

  Rq: *you will find attached the code of this example.
      * if the two pages have the same instance, it works if we put in the display page as instance (<xforms:instance src="input:instance" />), but   the two instances are completly different except some elemnts.

       ZENOUAKI Rachid
Ingénieur d'Etat EHTP 2008
Archos-conseil (Groupe ONA)
Tel : +21270518582

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Re: Xupdate


  Can some one help me in this ponit ? it's urgent

  Thanks in advance

       ZENOUAKI Rachid
Ingénieur d'Etat EHTP 2008
Archos-conseil (Groupe ONA)
Tel : +21270518582

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Re: Xupdate

Alessandro Vernet
In reply to this post by RachidEHTP

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 5:06 AM, ZENOUAKI rachid
<[hidden email]> wrote:
>        * if the two pages have the same instance, it works if we put in the
> display page as instance (<xforms:instance src="input:instance" />), but
> the two instances are completly different except some elemnts.

Sorry for the delay! Your code was almost working. The only missing
part was that the page you are going to (display) did not use the
instance that it received. It was always using the instance specified
in the view. Instead of specifying the instance inline in
display.xhtml just do:

<xforms:instance id="instance1" src="input:instance">

And then your example works as expected. For reference, I attached the
modified Test directory which can be dropped in apps.

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