Dear everybody,
Our forms run under but not on 4.9. I have all sorts of
problems but I want to ask for help on how to use xforms with a java
application (
I have attached my context.xml and web.xml. My ant build.xml is also
attached. The /mermeid/formulation/index.jsp is meant to build our the
forms using xerces xml parser and xml include.
1. Orbeon builds the forms, but some resources required by the form
are not found by the clients, since the path is erroneous. E.g.,
<link rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" media="all">
2. Albeit I'm including orbeon-xforms-filter.jar in my library file I
get the following in my logs:
SEVERE: Servlet /mermeid threw load() exception
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.orbeon.oxf.portlet.OrbeonTrampolineServlet
at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoa
3. Many of the general resources in the mermeid.war file (e.g., css
and js stuff) are not delivered to the browser, tomcat return "file
not found" instead.
There must be something fundamental I've missed. Can anyone help me
figure out what that is?
Thanks in advance,
FYI, this is done as a part of our music cataloging activities
(currently Carl Nielsen Works,
where we (DCM, that is, Danish Centre for Music Publication have built a tool we call MerMEId
( for the creation of thematic catalogs of
classical composers works.
Sigfrid Lundberg, Ph.D., System developer
Lund, Sweden
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