> 1. I've successfully enabled Wizard view by setting a property in properties-local.xml. Is there a working example on how to do this for on a single form type, or even form instance?
You can control this with the wildcards in the property. The first one is the app name, the second one the form name:
> 2. Once wizard view is enabled, all sections appear in the left navigation. Our requirement is to not have this. Can this be removed? If so how?
Not out of the box. You might be able to write some CSS to remove it, though.
> 3. Navigation needs to be done through buttons (previous/next). How can this be achieved? Is it OOTB configuration, or do we need to put a button on each section and write some logic somewhere?
You can configure "inner" buttons which control the wizard:
value="wizard-prev wizard-next"/>
You can also configure regular buttons which appear at the bottom, for example:
<property as="xs:string" name="*.*"> refresh pdf wizard-prev wizard-next review
> 4. Our journey is dynamic, so certain sections may or may not be required based on data filled in by the customer and some backend business logic. I understand how to show and hide sections based on xpath, but how would we achieve this, especially when we have a fixed navigation through the use of 'previous' and 'next' buttons?
If a section is hidden, the "Next" and "Previous" buttons will skip over them. But maybe I didn't understand this question well?