Why can't I use the same service for new action, if it already used

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Why can't I use the same service for new action, if it already used

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1. I created a new library form and added a web-service called "Addressinfo". I then added a new Action called "GetAddress" which uses the web-service "Addressinfo".

2. Then i tested the form and everything works fine, the web-service is called and my fields updates correctly.

3. Now I save the form.

4. Then I opened the form from the summary page.

5. Now i want to add a new Action called "GetAddress2" which have to use the same web-service mentioned above.

But when I get the new Action windows, I can't find the web-service in the service list, why?
The issue also exist even I'm not saving the form.

I can open and edit the service from the HTTP Service toolbox.

It seems like that the service only can be used in one action, is this a bug?

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Re: Why can't I use the same service for new action, if it already used

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Balatharan,

It is a limitation, which we are aware of (see the RFE linked below). But for now, you'll indeed need to duplicate the action, which I know isn't very satisfying. Sorry about that; I hope we'll get to implement this soon.


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