Where to read, subscribe to, and post in the Orbeon Forms mailing list

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Where to read, subscribe to, and post in the Orbeon Forms mailing list

Alessandro  Vernet

This note is about https://discuss.orbeon.com. If you are not reading or posting on the Orbeon Forms mailing list through that site, feel free to ignore the rest of this message.

Nabble, which so far hosts https://discuss.orbeon.com, has removed the ability to link forums to mailing lists. So, as of mid-October 2021, to avoid possible confusions, we've disabled the ability to post on https://discuss.orbeon.com. Also, since new messages from the mailing list aren't showing here, https://discuss.orbeon.com only serves as an archive of what has been posted to the list until mid-October 2021.

If are or have been using https://discuss.orbeon.com, from now own you should directly use the Google Groups interface linked below:


And if you're having any technical problem with the mailing list, feel free to email us, at info@orbeon.com.

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