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Using mysql, can't download attachments

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Using mysql, can't download attachments

18 posts
Hello, I'm using the latest nightly build connected to a mysql database. I can attach files to the form, and "save" the form, but if I try to download the attached file, I get a 0byte empty file.  Furthermore note that in FormBuilder I can upload a different logo and it gets saved properly in the orbeon_form_data_attached mysql table (why not orbeon_form_definition_attached?). So any ideas what could be the problem?

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Re: Using mysql, can't download attachments

18 posts

for whatever reason in my form bindings I had:
<xforms:bind name="file-1" id="file-1-bind" type="xforms:anyURI" ref="file-1"/>

the type should be:

otherwise the file upload will fail silently: immediately after upload the file will be downloadable (because it's in memory), after you press Save, the disk icon(unsaved changes) will not disappear, after you click save again, save operation will be reported as successful but now you won't be able to download the file since it hasn't actually been saved to disk.