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Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

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Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

93 posts

I implemented an upload/download feature based on the description in http://wiki.orbeon.com/forms/how-to/view/upload-and-download-instance. Therefore, I created a custom button/process and defined a global upload/download dialog which shows up on button click.
In general, all works fine. But if I use a section template in my form, following problem occurs:
After uploading a local XML file, the values of standard xform fields (e.g. xf:input) inside the section template were not updated on the UI. The values of Orbeon components (e.g. <fr:dropdown-select1>) were updated correct. If I enable the introspector, I can see that the instance data has been written correct to the model. Is there a bug in event dispatching?

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Re: Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Martin,

Indeed, it sounds like this could be something related to event dispatching. If after uploading a local XML you save the form, and reload the page, do the values show up OK in the xf:input? Can you share with us the xf:insert you use to replace the instance? I imagine that it is along the lines of what was mentioned in the how-to guide you pointed to?

<xforms:insert ev:event="xforms-submit-done" nodeset="instance('main-instance')"
               origin="saxon:parse(saxon:base64Binary-to-string(xs:base64Binary(instance('upload')), 'UTF-8'))"/>

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Re: Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

93 posts
Hi Alex,

Yes, the values show up OK if I save the form and then reload the page.
The code for my upload/download dialog is as follows:

<xxf:dialog xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
        id="upload-download-dialog" model="upload-download-model" level="modal">

        <xf:model id="upload-download-model">
                <xf:instance id="download">
                        <serialized mediatype="application/xml" />
                <xf:instance id="upload">
                        <serialized mediatype="application/xml" filename="" />
                <xf:bind ref="instance('download')" type="xs:base64Binary" />
                <xf:bind ref="instance('upload')" type="xs:base64Binary" />

                <xf:submission id="upload-submission" ref="instance('upload')"
                        validate="false" relevant="false" method="post" replace="none"

                        <xf:insert ev:event="xforms-submit-done"
                                origin="saxon:parse(saxon:base64Binary-to-string(xs:base64Binary(instance('upload')), 'UTF-8'))" />

        <xf:setvalue ev:event="xxforms-dialog-open" ref="instance('download')"
                value="saxon:string-to-base64Binary(saxon:serialize(xxf:instance('fr-form-instance'), 'xml'), 'UTF-8')" />

        <xf:setvalue ev:event="xxforms-dialog-close" ref="instance('upload')" />

        <xf:label>Daten laden/zwischenspeichern</xf:label>

                        <fr:label>Daten laden</fr:label>
                        <xf:upload ref="instance('upload')">
                                <xf:filename ref="@filename" />
                                <xf:mediatype ref="@mediatype" />
                                <xf:send ev:event="xxforms-upload-done"
                                        submission="upload-submission" />
                        <fr:label>Daten zwischenspeichern</fr:label>
                        <xf:output ref="instance('download')" appearance="xxf:download">
                                        <xh:i class="icon-download" />Daten lokal speichern</xf:label>
                                <xf:mediatype ref="@mediatype" />
                                <xf:filename ref="$title" />

I also tried to trigger a <xf:recalculate model="fr-form-model"> after the xf:insert without success.

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Re: Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

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In reply to this post by Alessandro Vernet
Can you reproduce my problem?
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Re: Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Martin,

I tried, but was unable to reproduce the problem. Here is the form with your dialog: form.xml. I paste that source in Form Builder, save, publish, open the new page, and attach this data: data.xml, and the value gets properly set in the input field:

Does this source work for you? If it does, maybe you can find what is different in your case.

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AW: [orbeon] Re: Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

93 posts
Yes, your example works! As I mentioned in my initial post the problem occurs only if the input field is in a section template. In your example you don't use a section template.
Additionally you can add a <fr:dropdown-select1> to your form. Then you can see that the value of the dropdown field is properly updated also inside a section template. The problem occurs only on standard xforms fields (e.g. <xf:input>) used inside a section template.
Can you please give it a try with a section template!


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] Im Auftrag von Alessandro Vernet
Gesendet: Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014 02:57
An: [hidden email]
Betreff: [orbeon] Re: Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

Hi Martin,

I tried, but was unable to reproduce the problem. Here is the form with your
dialog:  form.xml <http://discuss.orbeon.com/file/n4659167/form.xml>  . I
paste that source in Form Builder, save, publish, open the new page, and
attach this data:  data.xml
<http://discuss.orbeon.com/file/n4659167/data.xml>  , and the value gets
properly set in the input field:


Does this source work for you? If it does, maybe you can find what is
different in your case.


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Re: AW: [orbeon] Re: Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Martin,

Ah, yes, I misread your earlier message. And indeed, I'm able to reproduce this with a section template. Here the form source: form.xml, and the data to upload: data.xml. I will create an issue, and we'll look into it.

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Re: AW: [orbeon] Re: Upload xml instance: In section templates values of standard xform fields are not updated

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
And for reference, the issue is:


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