Upgrading from Orbeon 3.9.1PE to 4.x

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Upgrading from Orbeon 3.9.1PE to 4.x


Currently, we have license for Orbeon 4.4PE, but still we use Orbeon 3.9PE.
Now, we are thinking to upgrade from Orbeon 3.9PE to 4.4PE or 4.6PE

So, first thing is can we upgrade to 4.6PE on the license of 4.4PE?

Secondly, if we upgrade to either 4.4PE or 4.6 PE what advantages over 3.9PE?
And what are the challenges in doing so?

One main problem we face is our server moves to FULL GC mode very often and we have to reboot the server to get back the proper functioning of forms also exist db, Can you tell me how scalable it is??

Please Suggest.


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Re: Upgrading from Orbeon 3.9.1PE to 4.x

Erik Bruchez

I would definitely always consider upgrading to the latest version, so currently 4.6.x instead of 4.4, as we keep improving the product.

Re. the license, it depends. I added an entry to the FAQ here to clarify:


The advantages over 3.9 PE are many. I have added some answers here:


I recommend you go through the release notes listed here for all the versions since 3.9, and then you can get an idea:


On the difficulty of upgrading, I recommend you check this page:


It's doable, and we try to be compatible, but you should definitely look at the upgrade as a small project.

We don't have scalability numbers at this time, but we keep working on performance. We have made some good improvements in the last few 4.x versions, and we have more coming up in 4.7.

I hope this helps,

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Re: Upgrading from Orbeon 3.9.1PE to 4.x


This information is very helpful.

But can you suggest about the data we already have in the exist db.
How can we have the backup of the existing data in the database in 3.9 version and move it in the new version , i.e. 4.6 version?

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Re: Upgrading from Orbeon 3.9.1PE to 4.x

Erik Bruchez

You should be able to use the eXist client to create a backup of your data. Then, using the eXist client for the new version of eXist, restore that backup to the new Orbeon Forms installation.
