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Update form data submitted

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Update form data submitted

I'm new to Orbeon. Perhaps this is a dumb question but I'll ask it anyway: is it possible in Orbeon to change the form data after the first time the form is submitted? I mean, suppose that I'm a student that is using Orbeon to enter some of my personal information into a form. After I submit the data I remember that I forgot some data or entered wrong information and then I want to come back, find the data I placed earlier and update the contents.

Is it possible or am I missing something?

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Re: Update form data submitted

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Marcos,

Yes definitely, you can go back to the summary page for that form, and click on the specific submission you want to edit. In the scenario you mentioned, since I imagine you don't want students to see each other's data, you'll want to set up the system so users only see their own data. You can find more about this in the following blog post, and of course just let us know if anything isn't quite clear:


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Re: Update form data submitted

Alessandro Vernet wrote
Hi Marcos,

Yes definitely, you can go back to the summary page for that form, and click on the specific submission you want to edit. In the scenario you mentioned, since I imagine you don't want students to see each other's data, you'll want to set up the system so users only see their own data. You can find more about this in the following blog post, and of course just let us know if anything isn't quite clear:


Hello, Alessandro. Thank you for the answer. Would you please show a permission configuration where students, in my example, can't see each other's data in the summary page, but can see only their data? That's really what I would like to achive, as you supposed. I tried some permission configurations, but without success. Some allow only to create information but not to select his last submmited form to update. Other configuration I tried shows the summary page, but also show all submitted from everyone. I really could not configure that.

Thank you in advance.
