Uniquely identifying repeated elements

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Uniquely identifying repeated elements


I'm using Orbeon 4.6 with the REST Persistence API to save the data users would submit to my own backend. This all works quite smoothly, but I would like to uniquely identify any repeated elements that users submit. Without this, I for example can't accurately detect which elements were added, modified or deleted.

To make it a bit more explicit: suppose I have a 'My Bookshelf' form (how original!), with in it a repeated grid with 'title' and 'author' fields. The data returned by Orbeon after a single submission could look like this:

<form><book><title>catcher in the rye</title><author>J.D. Salinger</author></book></form>

Now suppose the user edits this form, and the data returned now is:

<form><book><title>The Catcher in the Rye</title><author>J.D. Salinger</author></book><book><title>Brave New World</title><author>Aldous Huxley</author></book></form>

I cannot accurately detect which element was added, and which was merely modified.
Could anyone please give me some pointers on how I could go about doing this?
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Re: Uniquely identifying repeated elements

Erik Bruchez
It makes sense, and I don't think there is a perfect solution right now.

But you could:

- add an empty output field to each repeat
- make that field non-relevant (hidden)
- set a calculation to set the value of field to a unique id if that field is blank
