I’m interested in being able to send an XHTML page containing XForms, with in-line instance data, to Orbeon so that it will be processed server-side, applying calculations, constraints, etc, and the updated instance data returned to the client.
I found the xforms-models.xpl pipeline, dating back to 2009, and thought that this might be of help. Unfortunately, I’m having trouble running the pipeline in a modern instance of Orbeon.
I have set-up a page-flow that calls the pipeline and I’m currently experimenting with just the first step of the pipeline that appears to extract the models and instances from the input form. The problem I’m getting is that Orbeon is complaining about the function call:
context:encodeXML($static-state)The error in the logs is: Error at line 79 of oxf:/apps/sandbox/xforms-models-test.xpl: | |XPath syntax error at char 32 on line 79 in {context:enc | |odeXML($static-stat...}: | | Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {java:org.orbeon.oxf.pipeline.StaticExte | |rnalContext}encodeXML() | |Error at line 97 of oxf:/apps/sandbox/xforms-models-test.xpl: | |XPath syntax error at char 33 on | | line 97 in {context:encodeXML($dynamic-sta...}: | | Cannot find a matching 1-argument function named {java:org.orbeon | |.oxf.pipeline.StaticExternalContext}encodeXML()In other tests it also complained about: context:decodeXML(normalize-space(xxforms:event-response/xxforms:dynamic-state))Am I right in assuming that things have changed internally since 2009 and that aspects of this pipeline need to be rewritten to reflect Orbeon’s current APIs and internals? If so, I’d really appreciate some pointers as to how and where to start. Regards Philip |
Further to my previous e-mail I have made some more investigations and found that there must have been some changes to the forms-server-request.rng schema because the structure of the
xxforms:event-requestdocument being assembled in the first XSLT transform is no longer valid. I have made suitable corrections but the big issue is the fact that the java:org.orbeon.oxf.pipeline.StaticExternalContext.encodeXMLmethod no longer exists. I tried an, albeit in vain, test the see if java:org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.XFormsUtils.encodeXMLmethod would do the job but I just receive a NULL Pointer exception. Any comments or thoughts would be much appreciated. Regards Philip |
It's tricky to get right! We should have some standard support for this, along the lines of: https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/issues/1357 This said the `encode-xml()` function can be called with: xpl:encodeXML($server-events) where: xmlns:xpl="java:org.orbeon.oxf.pipeline.api.FunctionLibrary" Note that this is an internal function. There are somes uses here: https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/blob/master/src/test/resources/org/orbeon/oxf/xforms/tests-xforms-ajax.xml I hope this helps! -Erik |
Hello Erik, I tried this out and: xpl:encodeXML($server-events) works in my pipeline. The only issue I have now is that after running the result of the encoding transform into the
oxf:xforms-server step I get the following response: <error> <title>Session has expired. Unable to process incoming request.</title> </error> It doesn’t seem to matter which serialiser/convert I use I always get the same error which suggests that the problem is in the oxf:xforms-server step. I have attached the pipeline, submitted instance and pageflow. I have been using Postman to test this, I’ve attached its collection. They’re all in the ZIP. Regards Philip From:
"Erik Bruchez [via Orbeon Forms community mailing list]" <ml-node+[hidden email]> Philip, If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: To unsubscribe from Trying to get the xforms-models.xpl pipeline to work...,
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I don't want you to think that I forgot about this, but I haven't yet managed to look at it yet. I will do my best to look at this early the coming week. -Erik |
I hope this is still useful, but here is a simple example: https://gist.github.com/ebruchez/71968da1af24186b99c68a0de51a3604 The service: - preprocesses the incoming XHTML to add a custom model - the custom model, upon xforms-ready, submits the first instance to the output There is no need to encode/decode XML as the older pipelines were showing. I hope this helps! -Erik |
Hello Erik, I just got around to trying this and it works reeeeal sweet, thanks very much :-) Philip From:
"Erik Bruchez [via Orbeon Forms community mailing list]" <ml-node+[hidden email]> Philip, If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: To unsubscribe from Trying to get the xforms-models.xpl pipeline to work...,
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Excellent, thanks for confirming! -Erik |
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