Troubleshooting performance issues with custom error dialog

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Troubleshooting performance issues with custom error dialog

Jeremy Nix
I'm working with Orbeon in a Separate Deployment.  Because of this, I do not have access to XBL components such as the fr:error-summary.  So, I've created my own modal dialog box (defined below).  What I'm doing is displaying to the user a list of all of the errors that currently exist in the form.  To do this, I loop through all of the items on the form and perform a xxforms:invalid-binds() function call on that item.  If bind id's are returned, then the item has errors, and I display the id's of the bindings as the error message.  The full page and supporting instance data samples are attached.

My question is, why, when I open this dialog, are there so many calls to setRepeatIterationRelevance?  In my example, I have 4 different items that were invalid, but yet the setRepeatIterationRelevance method was called 62 times.  This call is quite expensive in a larger form (such as the one I've attached).  I tracked the caller to this function AjaxServer.handleResponseDom.  It's iterating over the controls returned from the orbeon request, and if the relevant attribute was returned, then it calls the setRepeatIterationRelevance method.  Is the server only filling in the relevant attribute for controls that need to be changed, or is it simply returning all controls and their relevancy status?  If it is the latter, then I can see how a page with a lot of controls like mine would run into performance issues.

I guess I'd like to know what the purpose of the call to setRepeatIterationRelevance is, and if there is something that I am doing to cause so many controls to be updated as apart of the Orbeon response?


<!-- Sample bind -->
<xforms:bind id="[41]-Referral-Date-error:-Cannot-be-before-Date-of-Birth" nodeset="instance('odm-instance')//odm:ItemData[@ItemOID='41']/@Value"
	constraint="if ((normalize-space(instance('odm-instance')/odm:ClinicalData//odm:ItemData[@ItemOID = 6]/@Value)!='') and (. castable as xs:date))
		then xs:date(.) &gt;= xs:date(instance('odm-instance')/odm:ClinicalData//odm:ItemData[@ItemOID = 6]/@Value)
		else true()"/>

<!-- Dialog box -->
<xxforms:dialog id="errors-dialog" level="modal" close="false" draggable="false">
	<xforms:label>Errors exist in the form</xforms:label>
	<xforms:group style="color:#ff0000; height:300px; width:400px; display:block" appearance="xxforms:fieldset"
			ref="if(instance('variables-instance')/ShowErrors = true()) then instance('odm-instance') else /NonExistentNode">
		<xhtml:h1>Please correct the following errors:</xhtml:h1>
		<xhtml:ul style="overflow:auto; height:225px; width:375px;">
			<xforms:repeat nodeset="instance('odm-instance')//odm:ItemData/@Value">
				<xxforms:variable select="xxforms:invalid-binds(.)" name="invalid-binds"/>
				<xforms:group ref="if(count($invalid-binds) &gt; 0) then . else /NonExistentNode">
					<xforms:output value="string-join(for $bind in $invalid-binds return concat('&lt;li&gt;', replace($bind, '-', ' '), '&lt;/li&gt;') ,'')" mediatype="text/html"/>
		<xhtml:div align="center">
				<xforms:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
					<xforms:setvalue ref="instance('variables-instance')/ShowErrors" value="false()"/>
					<xxforms:hide dialog="errors-dialog"/>


Jeremy Nix
Senior Application Developer
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

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