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Supporting bootstrap 3.0

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Supporting bootstrap 3.0

Hi Orbeon,

I notes that from Orbeon 4.4 you are supporting bootstrap version 2.3.2, the organization where we are going to install Orbeon  is using bootstrap version 3.0. This means that they have to convert from 3.0 to 2.3.2.

On behalf of my company, I would like to know following: Do you have any plans for supporting bootstrap 3.0 in the near future. If yes, can you tell when you are planing releasing Orbeon that support bootstrap 3.0.

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Re: Supporting bootstrap 3.0

Erik Bruchez
Yes, but probably not before sometime in mid-2014. That's because Bootstrap 3 doesn't support IE 7, and a number of our users still (and yes it's a terrible thing!) require IE 7.

See also:


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Re: Supporting bootstrap 3.0

Hello Erik :)

I'm working at the same company like Balatharan.

We still have this request for when a release of Orbeon will support bootstrap 3.0.

I want to ask, if you have any news, since we are close to mid-2014, or please let me know the plans for supporting BootStrap 3.0.

Best Regards
Daniel Knudsen
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Re: Supporting bootstrap 3.0

Erik Bruchez

Currently this is set as a "Consider for 4.7" item:


Orbeon Forms 4.7 is tentatively scheduled for September 2014:


So September would be the earliest, but we have not yet fully prioritized and scheduled items for the 4.7 release, so that may or may not make it.

Note that one consequence of using Bootstrap 3 would be that IE7 support would be dropped. We can't wait for that to happen ;)

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Re: Supporting bootstrap 3.0

Hello Erik

Thank you for the answer, I'll report this back to my team :)

Best Regards
Daniel Knudsen