Why doesn't the summary page work in the form runner on a published form, when I have removed the form build jar file from the WEB-INF/Lib as stated on this guide: http://wiki.orbeon.com/forms/orbeon-forms-faq/faq-other#TOC-How-can-I-remove-Form-Runner-Form-Builder-from-my-Orbeon-Forms-deployment- I get page not found error.. Regards Balatharan |
Hi Balatharan
What URL are you using which gives you the page not found error? Which page not found error are you getting - is it an Orbeon one? How did you remove the orbeon-form-builder.jar file and deploy? Regards jez |
Hi Jez,
What URL are you using which gives you the page not found error? This is my url: http://localhost/orbeon/fr/Test/TestForm/summary I pressed the summary button from the published form page. Which page not found error are you getting - is it an Orbeon one? It's and orbeon error and I get the following error: Not Found Oops, the page requested was not found! How did you remove the orbeon-form-builder.jar file and deploy? I have to installation, the first one incl. builder and runner and this one works fine and saves everything the DB. Here i created a test form and published it. My second installation only incl. the runner. Both orbeon are running under Tomcat server and uses the same DB. For my second installation i did following steps: 1. Created an orbeon folder under the webapps and unziped the orboen war file as stated in the installation guide. 2. I then removed the builder jar file from the WEB-INF/lib folder as stated in the link mentioned above. 3. I configured the DB. 4. I started the tomcat server and typed the following url: This is my url: http://localhost/orbeon/fr/Test/TestForm/new. 5. I got the form and I filled it and pressed save. 6. Now i pressed the summary button and get the error. Regards Balatharan |
HI Balatharan
Can you post any entries from the Orbeon log file ($TOMCAT_HOME/logs/orbeon.log), please? Regards Jez |
Hi Jez,
thanks for your quick replay. PS. When i put the builder jar back in lib folder, the summary page works fine, but when removing it fails. I made a fresh orbeon log and this is what being logged, when i press the summary button: 2013-10-23 19:35:46,828 INFO ProcessorService - Context listener - Context initialized. 2013-10-23 19:35:53,953 INFO ProcessorService - Servlet initialized. 2013-10-23 19:35:54,031 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/Test/TestForm/new - Received request 2013-10-23 19:35:55,968 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/crud/Test/TestForm/form/form.xhtml - Received request 2013-10-23 19:35:56,078 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/exist/crud/Test/TestForm/form/form.xhtml - Received request 2013-10-23 19:35:56,265 INFO EXistServlet - EXistServlet: exist.home=C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF 2013-10-23 19:35:56,265 INFO EXistServlet - reading configuration from C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\exist-conf.xml 2013-10-23 19:35:56,281 INFO Configuration - Reading configuration from file C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\exist-conf.xml 2013-10-23 19:35:56,500 WARN XQueryContext - Configuration problem: failed to load class for module http://exist-db.org/xquery/xqdoc; class: org.exist.xqdoc.xquery.XQDocModule; message: org.exist.xqdoc.xquery.XQDocModule 2013-10-23 19:35:56,500 INFO EXistServlet - configuring eXist instance 2013-10-23 19:35:56,531 INFO SimpleThreadPool - Job execution threads will use class loader of thread: http-apr-80-exec-9 2013-10-23 19:35:56,546 INFO SchedulerSignalerImpl - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl 2013-10-23 19:35:56,546 INFO QuartzScheduler - Quartz Scheduler v.1.6.6 created. 2013-10-23 19:35:56,546 INFO RAMJobStore - RAMJobStore initialized. 2013-10-23 19:35:56,546 INFO StdSchedulerFactory - Quartz scheduler 'exist_QuartzScheduler' initialized from an externally provided properties instance. 2013-10-23 19:35:56,546 INFO StdSchedulerFactory - Quartz scheduler version: 1.6.6 2013-10-23 19:35:56,562 INFO FileLock - File lock last access timestamp: 23-10-2013 C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\exist-data\dbx_dir.lck 2013-10-23 19:35:56,562 INFO FileLock - Found a stale lockfile. Trying to remove it: C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\exist-data\dbx_dir.lck 2013-10-23 19:35:56,562 INFO FileLock - Deleting lock file: C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\exist-data\dbx_dir.lck 2013-10-23 19:35:56,562 INFO DefaultCacheManager - Cache settings: 20.480k; totalPages: 5.120; maxCacheSize: 4.608 2013-10-23 19:35:56,578 INFO XQueryPool - QueryPool: size = 128; maxStackSize = 5; timeout = 120.000; timeoutCheckInterval = 30.000 2013-10-23 19:35:56,593 INFO FileLock - File lock last access timestamp: 23-10-2013 C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\exist-data\journal.lck 2013-10-23 19:35:56,593 INFO FileLock - Found a stale lockfile. Trying to remove it: C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\exist-data\journal.lck 2013-10-23 19:35:56,593 INFO FileLock - Deleting lock file: C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\exist-data\journal.lck 2013-10-23 19:35:56,656 INFO IndexManager - Registered index org.exist.indexing.ngram.NGramIndex as ngram-index 2013-10-23 19:35:56,750 INFO IndexManager - Registered index org.exist.indexing.lucene.LuceneIndex as lucene-index 2013-10-23 19:35:56,750 INFO IndexManager - Registered index org.exist.fulltext.FTIndex as ft-legacy-index 2013-10-23 19:35:56,937 INFO QuartzScheduler - Scheduler exist_QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started. 2013-10-23 19:35:56,937 INFO EXistServlet - registering XMLDB driver 2013-10-23 19:35:56,953 INFO EXistServlet - Using default user guest for all unauthorized requests. 2013-10-23 19:35:56,968 WARN XmlLibraryChecker - Looking for a valid Parser... Checking for Xerces, found version Xerces-J 2.11.0 needed version Xerces-J 2.9.0 Warning: Failed find a valid Parser! Please add an appropriate Parser to the class-path, e.g. in the 'endorsed' folder of the servlet container or in the 'endorsed' folder of the JRE. 2013-10-23 19:35:56,968 INFO XmlLibraryChecker - Looking for a valid Transformer... Checking for Saxon, found version OK! 2013-10-23 19:35:56,968 INFO XmlLibraryChecker - Looking for a valid Resolver... Checking for Resolver, found version XmlResolver 1.2 OK! 2013-10-23 19:35:56,968 INFO XmlLibraryChecker - Using parser org.orbeon.oxf.xml.xerces.XercesSAXParser 2013-10-23 19:35:57,000 INFO XmlLibraryChecker - Using transformer com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.TransformerImpl 2013-10-23 19:35:57,000 WARN Descriptor - Giving up unable to read descriptor file from C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\webapps\orbeon\WEB-INF\descriptor.xml 2013-10-23 19:35:57,000 WARN Descriptor - Giving up unable to read descriptor.xml file from classloader in package org.exist.http 2013-10-23 19:35:57,062 INFO ProcessorService - Session listener - Session created. 2013-10-23 19:35:57,093 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/exist/crud/Test/TestForm/form/form.xhtml - Timing: 1015 2013-10-23 19:35:57,109 INFO ProcessorService - Session listener - Session created. 2013-10-23 19:35:57,109 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/crud/Test/TestForm/form/form.xhtml - Timing: 1141 2013-10-23 19:35:58,718 WARN DiskStorageFactory - The index for data file C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\temp\orbeon\cache\xforms%002eresources.data is out of date, probably due to an unclean shutdown. Deleting index file C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.42\temp\orbeon\cache\xforms%002eresources.index 2013-10-23 19:35:59,406 WARN XFormsServer - unknown id {id: "fb-form-instance"} 2013-10-23 19:35:59,406 WARN XFormsServer - unknown id {id: "fr-captcha-group"} 2013-10-23 19:35:59,406 WARN XFormsServer - unknown id {id: "fr-captcha-group"} 2013-10-23 19:35:59,406 WARN XFormsServer - unknown id {id: "fr-captcha-group"} 2013-10-23 19:36:00,187 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/i18n/fr-resources/Test/TestForm - Received request 2013-10-23 19:36:00,593 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/i18n/fr-resources/Test/TestForm - Timing: 406 2013-10-23 19:36:01,562 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/Test/TestForm/new - Timing: 7531 2013-10-23 19:36:04,671 INFO ProcessorService - Servlet initialized. 2013-10-23 19:36:04,671 INFO ProcessorService - /xforms-server - Received request 2013-10-23 19:36:05,015 INFO ProcessorService - /xforms-server - Timing: 344 2013-10-23 19:36:05,062 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/Test/TestForm/summary - Received request 2013-10-23 19:36:05,175 INFO PageFlowControllerProcessor - not found {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/Test/TestForm/summary", resource: "/forms/orbeon/builder/form/permissions-model.xml"} 2013-10-23 19:36:05,253 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/Test/TestForm/summary - Timing: 191 Regards Balatharan |
This is a bug:
https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/issues/1265 It's fixed already and the fix will be in 4.4. -Erik |
In reply to this post by javaudvikling
Apologies - this looks like a new scenario in 4.3. I'd only tried removing FB in 4.2.
Workaround: create WEB-INF/resources/forms/orbeon/builder/form/permissions-model.xml with the following (a copy from the orbeon-form-builder.jar archive): <!-- Copyright (C) 2013 Orbeon, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. The full text of the license is available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html --> <xf:model id="fb-permissions-model" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" xmlns:xxf="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/xforms" xmlns:saxon="http://saxon.sf.net/" xmlns:fbf="java:org.orbeon.oxf.fb.FormBuilder"> <!-- Model initialization --> <xf:action event="xforms-model-construct-done"> <xf:var name="fb-roles" value=" if (doc-available('oxf:/config/form-builder-permissions.xml')) then doc('oxf:/config/form-builder-permissions.xml') else if (doc-available('oxf:/config/form-runner-roles.xml')) then doc('oxf:/config/form-runner-roles.xml') else ()"/> <xf:action if="exists($fb-roles)"> <xf:insert ref="instance('fb-permissions')" origin="fbf:formBuilderPermissionsAsXML($fb-roles)"/> <xf:message level="xxf:log-debug"> ORBEON FORM BUILDER ROLES DEBUG INFORMATION: Resulting permissions: <xf:output value="saxon:serialize(instance('fb-permissions'), 'xml')"/> </xf:message> </xf:action> </xf:action> <xf:instance id="fb-permissions"> <apps xmlns="" has-roles="false"> <!-- Example: <app name="orbeon"> <form name="bookshelf"/> <form name="dmv-14"/> </app> <app name="foo"> <form name="*"/> </app> Or: <app name="*"> <form name="*"/> </app> --> </apps> </xf:instance> </xf:model> |
Ah, I see Erik posted while I was typing.
Hi Erik & jez
Thanks for your answers. Regards Balatharan |
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