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Suggested CSS tweak for IE6 browsers

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Suggested CSS tweak for IE6 browsers

Chris Bailey-2
57 posts
I've noticed that IE6 inserts an extra blank line at the top of your form
elements - this is because of the xforms-loading-none span element.

The css tweak below fixes this problem.
        position:absolute; /* needed to render correctly in IE6 */


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Re: Suggested CSS tweak for IE6 browsers

Alessandro Vernet
2020 posts

On Jan 16, 2008 8:06 AM, Chris Bailey <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I've noticed that IE6 inserts an extra blank line at the top of your form
> elements - this is because of the xforms-loading-none span element.
> The css tweak below fixes this problem.
> .xforms-loading-none
> {
>         position:absolute; /* needed to render correctly in IE6 */
> }

That must be a reminiscence from the days when the loading indicator
was displayed as a line on top of the form (not an overlay), and we
wanted to have some space reserved for that line when no text was

I just changed this to use display: none, which is a tat simpler, and
clearly says what we want. Thanks for the suggestion! The
corresponding bug is:


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